About Kiran
Before stepping into her current role, Kiran was immersed in the world of medical recruitment. This experience has equipped her with a deep understanding of the recruitment landscape and the unique needs of candidates and employers alike.
What Kiran Loves About Recruitment:
Kiran thrives in a high-energy environment, which is precisely what she finds in her role. "The high energy environment," she says, perfectly captures the essence of what she loves about recruitment.
Life Outside Dunbar Education:
Kiran is a fitness enthusiast, often found at the gym working on her fitness goals.
She's also an avid reader, always on the lookout for the next captivating book.
And of course, she values her social life, making time to connect with friends and loved ones.
Fun Facts About Kiran:
Favourite Quote: "There's always room for improvement." A testament to her drive and dedication.
Past Life: Kiran believes that in another era, she sailed the high seas as a pirate, seeking adventure at every turn.
Lottery Dreams: Should fortune favour her, Kiran's first priority would be to support her family. Following that, she'd channel resources into finding a cure for all autoimmune diseases.
Desired Superpower: Super strength. Imagine the possibilities!
A Message from Kiran:
"If you don't ask, you don't get. So always be curious and never hesitate to seek what you desire."
If you're an overseas candidate looking for guidance and support in your journey, Kiran Gainda is here to assist. With her expertise, passion, and commitment, you're in capable hands.