Salary & Pay

Pay when employed directly by a school

When iCan Teach UK help you to secure a permanent role with a school, your salary will be paid to you directly by the school itself. If you are a qualified teacher then you will either be paid on MPS, UPS or the Leadership scale. We most definitely do not take any cut of your salary, and while what you are offered ultimately comes down to the school, we are very happy to offer our guidance and support throughout.

Pay when employed via us on a Day2Day or Long Term Supply

If you are employed on either a Day2Day or Long Term assignment through iCan then you will be paid on a weekly basis. You will complete a digital timesheet each week, and as long as you do this and it is authorised by your school, you will then be paid the following Friday. To get paid on time, the most important thing is to ensure that you submit it to us by 5pm on the Monday after the week you worked at the very latest.

Our teachers and support staff can choose to either be paid on a PAYE basis or via an Umbrella company, and your consultant can provide you with more information on the two options. See the teachers' payscale here:

Pay Scales

In England, there are four different pay scales. Teachers working in, or close to, London has slightly higher salaries.

This means that your salary could be different depending on where you work, so this is something to consider when selecting your school.

See the pay scales below

England & WalesFringe, Outer & Inner

Getting a National Insurance Number

A UK National Insurance (NI) number ensures that all the National Insurance Contributions and tax you pay is correctly assigned to you. This is in the same way at a tax code is often used in other countries. Your national insurance contributions go towards the NHS and other benefits.

You will need to apply for a NI number once you are in the UK.

How to apply for a NI Number

You cannot apply for a NI number until you are in the UK and have an address.

Once you have found accommodation you will need to contact the National Insurance application line on 0345 600 0643 0345 600 0643 who will be able to tell you the next steps. It is possible that you may be able to apply by via post. However, it is likely that you will be required to attend an interview at the Jobcentre Plus (you will be told which one when you apply).

If you do need to attend an interview, then you will receive a letter with the details of where you need to go and what documents you need to bring.

At the interview, you will be asked about your circumstance and why you need a NI number. You will be required to show relevant documentation as outlined in your letter. You may be asked to give proof of your employment. Either an offer letter/contract from your school or your iCan Teach UK Assignment Schedule will be sufficient as confirmation.

It is worth noting that you are able to start working in the UK without a National Insurance number, but it is advisable to apply for one as soon as possible as you may pay higher tax until you do.​

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Teacher of Media Studies



Criminology Teacher



Teacher of Law



PSHE Teacher (Personal, Social, Heath & Economic Education)



Secondary Dance Teacher

Mid Sussex District


History Teacher

East Hertfordshire District

Drama Teacher



PE Teacher



Geography Teacher


Religious Education Teacher



Art Teacher



Psychology Teacher

